Retail ERP

Are You Having A Hard Time Getting New Customers for Your Business?
What if I told you there was a highly targeted source of free leads that you didn’t even know existed…?


Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a management and integration technique used by businesses to manage and integrate the various aspects of their operations. Many ERP software systems are beneficial to businesses because they assist them in implementing resource planning by unifying all of the operations required to manage their businesses into a single system. Planning, purchasing, inventory, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, and other functions can all be integrated with ERP software.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is used by businesses for a variety of objectives, including increasing their business, lowering expenses, and enhancing operations. Although the benefits sought and attained by one company may differ from those sought and accomplished by another, there are a few that are worth noting.

ERPs enable businesses to instantly access information for clients, vendors, and business partners, resulting in higher customer and employee satisfaction, faster reaction times, and higher accuracy. As a corporation becomes more efficient, associated costs frequently fall.


Administrator Dashboard

At a glance, you have access to all pertinent information. With total orders, sales, customers, people online, sales analytics, and many other widgets, you can obtain a complete picture of what matters.

User Management

To successfully run an internet store, you'll need to work with a large number of people, each of whom will play a particular role. You may set sophisticated user privileges and separate access for user groups and users in Genioux (Pvt) Ltd.


Manage multiple stores from one admin interface. Set products to appear on different stores. Choose a different theme for each store. Localize store settings. Set per store product prices.

Options, attributes

Products are available in a variety of configurations. Sizes are featured in some, while colors, length, and height are featured in others. In any case, Genioux (Pvt) Ltd. has a way for adding more product variables.